From Kasumi Toyama to Kyoko Yamate, she still has immense charisma.

DJ/001B-016 RRR 圧倒的なカリスマ 響子 Overwhelming Charisma, Kyoko
Cost 5 / D4DJ / Peaky P-key
[ACT](Entry)[ReCombo “Heaven and Earth – LOCK ON“][Skill Showcase Level 5][1/Turn]:[Put one of your members and a card from the top of your deck into the waiting room], choose two <Peaky P-key> from your waiting room, put them onto your member area, this gets +2/±0 until end of turn.

DJ/001B-093 ReR 天上天下-LOCK ON Heaven and Earth – LOCK ON
D4DJ / Revive Rebirth
[Spark]:Choose a character from your waiting room, and you may put it onto your member area.
[CONT]:Your entry gets +1/+1.
